Tuesday 7 February 2017


Welcome to our page. I'm sure many of you must be wondering, "What is Project Green Wall?". Hopefully you won't need to look far to find your answer.

We are a class of Teacher Candidates attending Lakehead University. For many of us, this is our last year in university before we jump into the world of education. For this specific course (OE3), all of us either have environmental science as a major or a minor. With that said, we are a group of students who are ecologically minded.

This semester, we have been tasked with creating a project with a variety of parameters (I won't bore you with the details)... Over several weeks, our project goal and design changed several times until we finally settled on "Project Green Wall".

We as a class are looking at the benefits and reasons to bring the outdoors, inside. The way we are accomplishing this goal is by creating our own green walls. On our page, there will be updates made over the following weeks, sharing our progress, designs and media. In the very near future, there will be a page dedicated to research that we have found, sharing with you the benefits of green walls, what materials you should use and basically why this idea is great. We will include photos and videos of our own and other examples to help spread our message. In addition, we will include our blueprints so you can make your own green wall, as well as a lesson plan for any educators out there.
We as a class would like to thank you for stopping by and we look forward to sharing our eco-adventure with you over the next few weeks.

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